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Give children hope
Every day SOS Children’s Villages of Kazakhstan help hundreds of children not to lose their families or to find new ones. And you can help us with this

Where and how we help

Received our Family Strengthening services in 2023
Grew up in our Alternative Care in 2023
Have education, their own housing, and stable employment
Alternative guardianship
We give children a safe home, loving families and hope for the future in our Children's Villages and Youth Care projects
Prevention of orphanhood
We help families overcome difficult life situations and provide children with the necessary care and attention. Thanks to this, children are not separated from their biological parents
School for Foster Parents
We prepare candidates for adoptive parents for a new role and support them in the adaptation of the child in the family.
Protecting children from abuse
We provide a safe environment for children in all projects by implementing child protection from abuse standards at all levels of our work.

3 000 tenge
This is the future
This is how much one lesson with a teacher costs for children under our care. Each lesson is another step on their path to independent adult life.
5 000 tenge
This is safety.
This is how much a three-day food package costs for single mothers who live in our ACAP crisis center. The food package will allow them not to worry about feeding their children, to feel safe and to focus all their efforts on getting out of a difficult life situation.
10 000 tenge
This is a new life.
This is how much one consultation with a psychologist costs for children who have lost their parents or suffered from abuse. The help of a psychologist helps them cope with the consequences of traumatic situations.